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Stop Institutional Racism!

STIR is a nationwide network of public health professionals and activist scholars committed to ending institutional racism within the administration of the public health sector.


Beyond Biculturalism with Prof Dominic O'Sullivan

2 February, 2022

Public Health Association NZ

Public Health Association

Free E-Book

What We Do

to tatou mahi

We do specialist training around Te Tiriti-based practice, institutional racism and anti-racism.

We are available to do presentations, media commentary  and provide expert witness on Te Tiriti application and racism for conferences, public events, inquires etc.

STIR has a skilled network of researchers with a strong track record of documenting racism and Te Tiriti breaches

We are passionate about speaking up and challenging racism; join us!


STIR is committed to standing in solidarity with others fighting institutional racism


STIR is a proud partner of 



Briefing Paper on the Forthcoming 


After years of advocacy by STIR and others the goverment is finally writing a national action plan to end racism. To make sure anti-racism practitioners were heard we called a national hui in March with Tangata Whenua, Tangata Tiriti (Pakeha), Tangata Tiriti (Tauiwi of colour) caucuspes. We produced a briefing paper outlining some of what should be in the plan. Thanks to all those that attended, organised, supported and held the pen. May the plan be something we are proud of. 


“This book offers guidance for all who work in the health sector to manage and develop their Treaty based practice ... and recognises power relationships and also the historical, political, and economic context ... Good health and good health practice come from a shared interest in the just-ness of a society. Perhaps more than anything else it is the hope and promise of such just-ness that te Tiriti most enshrines”.

Dr Moana Jackson


He Hōmiromiro

A Virtual Decolonisation Reading Group


“He kanohi hōmiromiro” To have a critical eye

(likened to the Tomtit bird - hōmiromiro)

Hosted by Tāmaki Tiriti Workers, STIR: Stop Institutional Racism and ABC: A bicultural caucus this virtual decolonisation reading group meet monthly. Members come from a range of backgrounds, sectors and locations across Aotearoa and beyond.

Join us for a chance to sharpen your mind and discuss decolonisation with like-minded individuals.

Free Treaty-based Practice


Dr Heather Came-Friar and Susan De Silva offer ideas about how to work with the articles of te Tiriti and encourage you to take action to uphold te Tiriti and challenge institutional racism within your sphere of influence.

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