Recommended Resources
Ngā rauemi ipurangi
Kupu Taea is an Auckland-based Māori and Pākehā media research group that has studied how the media reports Māori, te Tiriti o Waitangi and Māori/Pākehā relations since 2004.
Treaty blog by Tāmaki Treaty Workers
Treaty blog is an occasional blog hosted by Tāmaki Tiriti Workers exploring issues of racism, te Tiriti o Waitangi and race relations. We recommend you also consider following the TTW Facebook page
Treaty Resource Centre is a repository materials to support education efforts about te Tiriti o Waitangi. Contains accurate information about New Zealand’s colonial history.
State of the Pākehā Nation essays
State of the Pākehā Nation essays are a collection of political essays written annually in memory of anti-racism activist Reverend Joan Cook exploring race relations.
Human Rights Commission: live human rights action plan
contains a live version of NZ’s national human rights action plan. The plan contains recommendations from United Nations committees and the NZ Government’s progress on implementing them.
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples
UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
WAI 2575 health kaupapa hearings
The Waitangi Tribunal is currently hearing evidence related to Tiriti breaches in the health sector (WAI 2575). For more information.
New Zealand Critical History Curriculum
A critical guide to Māori and Pākehā histories of Aotearoa - A curriculum programme resource (CPR) for schools & teachers
The national networking peace organisation in Aotearoa
New Zealand, for anyone who is interested in
peace, social justice and human rights

Ngāpuhi Speaks
400 page independent panel report on the Ngāpuhi Stage I Claim, commissioned by Kuia and Kaumātua of Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu. It is a definitive text about te Tiriti and He Whakaputunga and draws from primary sources in Te Reo and English as well as oral histories from Ngāpuhi kaumatua and kuia.
To order your copy email: reotahi2@gmail.com
Te Tiriti o Waitangi-Based Practice in Health Promotion
In January 2018 we launched our first E-book - Tiriti-based practice in health promotion - at the Health Promotion Forum in Auckland. Dr Heather Came led the development of this resource which was based on interviews with senior health promotion practitioners and insights from the authors. It attempted to reengage with the legacy of Dr Irihapeti Ramsden and refresh some of the thinking from Treaty Understanding of Hauora in Aotearoa-New Zealand (Health Promotion Forum 1999).


Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Health Professional
This important publication builds on the racial health equity work that public health advocates and others have been doing for decades. This book, which targets racism directly and includes the word squarely in its title, marks an important shift in the field's antiracism struggle for racial health equity. It is intended for use in a wide range of settings including health departments, schools, and in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors where public health professionals work. It will also benefit students still in training and will also serve as a practical reference text for courses and workshops. In this way, this book anticipates acting as a bridge connecting public health professionals, students, community members, as well as policymakers.
All Videos
All Videos

The Haumaru (COVID) Report: A legacy of Tiriti breaches and institutional racism

Alice Snedden’s Bad News: Healthcare Inequity | The Spinoff

Institutional racism in the health and education sectors
STIR Papers
Came, H., Warbrick, I., McCreanor, T., & Baker, M., (2020). From gorse to ngahere: an emerging allegory for decolonising the New Zealand
health system. New Zealand Medical Journal, Vol 133 (1524), 102-110
Came, Badu, E., Ioane, J., Manson, L., & McCreanor, T. (2020). Ethnic pay (dis)parities in the public sector leadership from 2001-2016 in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, 13(1), 70-85.
Came, H., O’Sullivan, D., Kidd, J., & McCreanor, T. (2020). The Waitangi Tribunal’s WAI 2575 Report: Implications for Decolonizing Health Systems. Health and Human Rights. 22(1). 209-220.
Came, H., Kidd, J., & Goza, T. (2020). A critical Tiriti analysis of the New Zealand Cancer Control Strategy. Journal of Cancer Policy, 23(100210). 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpo.2019.100210
Came, H., O’Sullivan, D., & McCreanor, T. (2020). Introducing critical Tiriti policy analysis through a retrospective review of the New Zealand Primary Health Care Strategy. Ethnicities, 20(3). 434-456. doi: 10.1177/1468796819896466
Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2019). Colonisation, hauora and whenua in Aotearoa. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 49(sup1), 19-33
Kereama-Royal, I., Jones, S., Wijohn, E., Doole, C., Burgess, L., & Came, H. (2019). Resisting ethnic inequities in advanced breast cancer: A call to action. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1507), 85-89.
McCreanor, T., Hancock, F., & Short, N. (2018). The Mounting Crisis at Ihumātao: A High Cost Special Housing Area or a Cultural Heritage Landscape for Future Generations?. CounterFutures. 6, 139-148
Came, H. A., Herbert, S., & McCreanor, T. (2019). Representations of Māori in colonial health policy in Aotearoa from 2006-2016: A barrier to the pursuit of health equity. Critical Public Health, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2019.1686461
Came, H. A., Warbrick, I., Doole, C., Hotere-Barnes, A., & Sessa, M. (2019). He hokinga ki te mauri: Strengthening te Tiriti o Waitangi public health education in tertiary education settings. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2019.1613357
Came, H., McCreanor, T., Manson, L., & Nuku, K. (2019). Upholding Te Tiriti, ending institutional racism and Crown inaction on health equity. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1492), 62-66.
Came, H., McCreanor, T., Haenga-Collins, M., & Cornes, R. (2019). Māori and Pasifika leaders’ experiences of government health advisory groups in New Zealand. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences, 1-10. doi:10.1080/1177083X.2018.1561477; - open access
Heke, D., Wilson, D., & Came, H. (2018). Shades of competence? A critical analysis of the cultural competencies of the regulated-health workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, mzy227-mzy227. doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzy227
Warbrick, I & Came, H, Dickson, A. (2018).The shame of fat shaming in public health: Moving past racism to embrace indigenous solutions. Public Health. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2018.08.013
Came, H., Cornes, R., & McCreanor, T. (2018). Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand public health policy 2006-2016 New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1469), 32-27.
Came, H & Tudor, K. (2017) Unravelling the Whāriki of Crown Māori health infrastructure. New Zealand Medical Journal 130(1458), 42-47.
Came, H., Doole, C, McKenna, B and McCreanor, T. (2017). Institutional racism in public health contracting processes in New Zealand: Findings of a nationwide survey. Social Science and Medicine. doi: 10.1016/j.socscrimed.2017.06.002
Came, H, and Griffith, D. (2017). Tackling racism as a wicked public health problem: Enabling allies in anti-racism praxis. Social Science and Medicine doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.03.028
Came, H., McCreanor, T., Doole, C., & Rawson, E. (2016). The New Zealand health strategy: Whither health equity? New Zealand Medical Journal, 129(1447), 72-76.
Came, H, McCreanor, T and Simpson, T. (2016) Utilising health activism to remove barriers to indigenous health in Aotearoa New Zealand Critical Public Health 27(4), 515-521. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2016.1239816
Came, H., McCreanor, T., Doole, C., Simpson, T. (2016) Realising the rhetoric: Refreshing public health providers' efforts to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ethnicity and Health. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2016.1196651
Came, H and Tudor, K. (2016). Bicultural Praxis: The relevance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi for international health promotion. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. Doi: 10.1080/14635240.2016.1156009.
Came, H., & McCreanor, T. (2015). Pathways to transform institutional (and everyday) racism in New Zealand. Sites: Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 12(2), 24-48. doi:10.11157/sites-vol12isss2id290. – open access
Came, H. (2014). Sites of institutional racism in public health policymaking in New Zealand. Social Science and Medicine, 106, 214-220. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.01.055.
Came, H. (2013). Doing research in Aotearoa: A Pākehā exemplar of the application of the Te Ara Tika ethical framework. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences, 8(1-2), 64-73. doi:10.1080/1177083X.2013.841265 – open access.
Came, H., & Da Silva, S. (2011). Building political competencies for the transformation of racism in Aotearoa. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Science, 6(1-2), 113-123. doi:10.1080/1177083X.2011.615332. – open access
Email us to request an article
Other papers
Came, H., & Kidd, J. (2019). Nurses must challenge racism (Editorial). Kai Tiaki, 25(7), 2.
Came, H and McCreanor, T. (2019). Challenging enduring health inequities. (Invited paper) Kai Tiaki 24(11) p14.
Azarmandi , M, Berghan, G, Came, H, Chenery, C, Goza, T, Mikahere-Hall, A, Hickey, H, Manson, L, McCreanor, T, Nairn, R, Wilson, D. (2018). Shadow report for Committee On Economic Social and Cultural Rights. STIR. Auckland, New Zealand. On-line
Berghan, G, Came, H, Coupe, N, Doole, C, Fay, J, McCreanor, T & Simpson, T. (2017) Tiriti-based practice in health promotion. Auckland, New Zealand: STIR. – link and blurb, photos, blurb re booking training
Berghan, G, Came, H, Cameron, K, Chenery, C, Goza, T, Hall, A, Hickey, H, Hofmans, N, Houkamau, C Manson, L, McCreanor, T, McKenna, B,
Nairn, R, Sykes, A, Warbrick, I. Wilson, D. (2017). Shadow report for Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. STIR. Auckland, New Zealand. – on-line
Came, H and Doole, C. (2014) Policy position on institutional racism; Endorsed by Health Promotion Forum, Public Health Association. – link and blurb
Came, H & Zander, A. (Eds.). (2015) State of the Pākehā Nation: Waitangi Day Speeches and Essays. Whangarei, New Zealand: Network Waitangi Whangarei.- link and blurb
Came, H., Doole, C., Simpson, T., & Coupe, N. (2013). Initial thoughts: Building a social movement to transform institutional racism. In A.
Zander, & H. Came (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 Public Health Association Conference: Partnership or collaboration; is there a difference? (pp. 62-67). Auckland, New Zealand: Public Health Association. – on line
Came, H. (2012). Institutional Racism and the Dynamics of Privilege in Public Health. Doctoral Thesis. Hamilton, New Zealand: Waikato University.- on-line
Rankine, J. (2014). Creating effective anti-racism campaigns: Report for Race Relations Commissioner. Auckland, New Zealand: Words and Pictures.